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La Dame Aux Camélias + CD

Egyedi árucikk (utolsó darab)!
Based on the Alexandre Dumas novel that also inspired the stories of Verdi’s La Traviata and Hollywood’s Moulin Rouge, John Neumeiercreates a riveting dance drama around the famous woman of lore, La Dame aux camélias.…
990 Ft
(943 Ft + 5% ÁFA) / db

Based on the Alexandre Dumas novel that also inspired the stories of Verdi’s La Traviata and Hollywood’s Moulin RougeJohn Neumeiercreates a riveting dance drama around the famous woman of lore, La Dame aux camélias. The passionate tale of Marguerite Gautier and Armand Duval unfolds ingeniously through a drama-within-a-drama as they meet at the theatre during a performance of Manon Lescaut. So begin their romantic adventures in Paris, brought to life by Neumeier’s intense and refined choreographic language. Chopin’sravishing music highlights this exceptional neo-classical ballet, featuring the star dancers of the Paris Opéra Ballet. This lavish production, filmed live at the Palais Garnier in High Definition and full surround sound, is all about love, passion, danger and glorious dancing from one of the best ballet companies in the world.


ISBN: 88-468-1638-2
Szerző: Alexandre Dumas
Raktárkészlet mennyiség: 1 db


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