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ECL English Sample Tests 1-2 Level D (Advanced) + CD

FOREWORD This set of sample tests is intended to assist those preparing for various levels of the international ECL examination system. By taking the sample test, would-be ECL examinees can measure their language proficiency before attempting the…
1 667 Ft 1 300 Ft
(1 238 Ft + 5% ÁFA) / db


This set of sample tests is intended to assist those preparing for various levels of the international ECL examination system. By taking the sample test, would-be ECL examinees can measure their language proficiency before attempting the "live" exam. 

This set of sample tests offers two tests  for each level, folowing the sequence and format of the live exams. ECL exams measure reading comprehension, writing, and listening comprehension with two tasks each in the written part. In the course of the oral part, candidates - examined in paris - are to face two assessed tasks: first they are to discuss a given topic, which is followed by the candidates' independent discussion of pictures. In this publication each set offers one sample "picture montage" along with possible supporting questions. The texts for the listening comprehension tests and the color version of the picture montages can be found on the CD enclosed. The answer keys, which can be found at the back of the tests, are meant to provide assistance in checking one's own answers.

Now we would like to give some advice on how to take the tests.

Reading comprehension
Listening comprehension

We wish you success practising ang good luck with your exam!

Pécs-Berlin, 30 June 2002

Dr. Gábor Szabó
Academic Co-ordinator

Dr. Martin Hahn


Szerző: ECL-Consortium
Kiadó: Secretariat of the ECL Consortium
Kiadási év: 2002
Raktárkészlet mennyiség: 1 db


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