Traveller beginners teacher's book
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Traveller is an exciting and easy-to-use seven-level course in English, which smoothly takes learners from Beginners to Advanced level. The main concern of the writer of this course has been to explicitly demonstrate how English is used in real-life situations, thus enabling learners to use it in meaningful contexts. Traveller has been meticulously designed to build the learners' ability to communicate their ideas fluently, accurately and confidently.
The Teacher's Book contains:
• Ideas for optional activities which help students get a better understanding of the vocabulary and grammatical structures or forms introduced and provide them with an opportunity for further practice.
• Background notes on different topics which aim at providing teachers with useful information about the texts appearing in the Students Book.
• Language Plus boxes which give more detailed information about the new linguistic items presented in each lesson.
• A speaking section including pairwork activities, a grammar reference section, a section with tips, a list of irregular verbs, an appendix of differences between British and American English and a word list as they appear in the Students Book.
• The transcripts of the listening tasks included in the Workbook.
ISBN: 978-960-443-568-5
Szerző: H.Q. Mitchell
Kiadó: MM Publications
Kiadási év: 2009
Raktárkészlet mennyiség: 1 db
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