Tankönyvek, kurzuskönyvek

A kategóriában 142 termék található.
  • English File Elementary / Student's Book - fourth edition

    English File Elementary / Student's Book - fourth edition


    90% of teachers who took part in an Oxford Impact study found that English File improves student's speaking skills. Engage with uniquely motivating texts, topics, and tasks that make you want to speak. Build your confidence to communicate with a proven balance…

    10 190 Ft 9 500 Ft
    (9 048 Ft + 5% ÁFA) / db
  • Approaching First Certificate

    Approaching First Certificate


    Approaching First Certificate is for students working towards the Cambridge First Certificate Examination. With its emphasis on teaching rather than testing, many students will find this book sufficient preparation for the Examination. But students who need…

    1 500 Ft 1 000 Ft
    (952 Ft + 5% ÁFA) / db